Religion by definition is obsolete (really?). People may care about your opinions (and they should be discussed), but the important matter is Truth. Seek Truth truly, and it will find you. Most of the time when people want to talk religion, or when I am asked if I am a Christian; I will generally say yes. But I find it hard at times to even say that because people have done some horrible things under that name, and it continues horrendously in this present, and really there is no one who can ever live up to the name. I do believe in Christ however, not because people have not done horrible things “in the name of Christ,” because they have and they do, but because Christ Himself was not only perfection incarnate, and the very indwelling of love itself, but also because this God-man has saved everyone who is willing to admit that they do, in fact, need some saving.
However, if you are not at that point where you believe this, and many are not, then please read on. Yet here we are, all in agreement about pretty much one thing, that things are not what they should be. It has been a concern for a long time, and many a writer has expressed these concerns in many a way. In reality though we still stand in this, the question still arises, why are we here and what are we doing?
This is where I find fault with religion, because something has to be true, and under examination religion stands at disagreement with its brothers. Truth then, must be something bigger than religion. Reality has to be larger than perception and interpretation. Perception, then must be relative, and not reality, although this does not rule out the fact that perception may have a determinant on reality. To say that there are multiple realities is false, reality is reality, again by definition; but…who is to say what you think and even what you will or wish can not affect reality. This is not such a surreal thought or belief, in fact I would argue that most religions subscribe to some sort of thinking along these lines. Also, agnostics, atheists, and those who wish nothing of one religion will oftentimes defend the rights of those who do to believe in their own “reality.” Who is to say, “Your reality is wrong, and mine is right?” Even some areas of scientific thought (quantum physics and the like) is leaning towards these thoughts. It seems that only what truly is, can say what it is and what it is not. Only reality can claim right or wrong.
So the pursuit of truth, the pursuit of reality, is something bigger than religion.
To believe in God, is to seek what Truth is. To believe in God and Truth, is to believe in something that is bigger than religion. So therefore, even Christianity stands second to something bigger if it stands as a religion. If Christianity really “is,” then it is not a religion at all and should not act as such. Religions attempt to convert, attempt to bring in followers, subscribers, but truth, well truth is. Truth has to do nothing more than be, and truth-tellers nothing more than figure out the best way to show and tell what is, along with when and how.
Sometimes I try to think outside of what I know now. I look back to when I didn’t know, and have not seen. It is not too difficult, a lot due to the fact that there is still so much that I do not know. But, thinking back to before I started a life of seeking truth in any and every way, I can not imagine how I lived without the desire to do so. Because with all our technology and advancements no one has been able to stop death, and with all our understanding and knowledge no one has been able to end uncertainty or fear; so to not attempt to find what is, to not attempt to find a purpose bigger than ourselves and our own lives, and to not attempt to find “meaning” to as why we have thought, interaction, feelings, emotions, and desires yet alone breath, then we do a great injustice not only to the world and others, but to ourselves and the many sleepless and restless nights to come.